Glossary and Vocabulary for Book of Changes 易經, 屯 Zhun

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 8 yuē to speak; to say 彖曰
2 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 彖曰
3 8 yuē to be called 彖曰
4 7 xiàng figure; image; appearance 象曰
5 7 xiàng elephant 象曰
6 7 xiàng ivory 象曰
7 7 xiàng to be like; to seem 象曰
8 7 xiàng premier 象曰
9 7 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 象曰
10 7 xiàng phenomena 象曰
11 7 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 象曰
12 7 xiàng image commentary 象曰
13 7 xiàng a kind of weapon 象曰
14 7 xiàng Xiang 象曰
15 7 xiàng to imitate 象曰
16 6 zhēn virtuous; chaste; pure 利貞
17 6 zhēn loyal 利貞
18 6 zhēn divination 利貞
19 6 zhēn chastity 利貞
20 6 zhēn to divine 利貞
21 6 zhēn auspicious 利貞
22 6 zhēn upright 利貞
23 6 zhēn lower part of the trigrams in the Yijing 利貞
24 6 zhēn four 利貞
25 6 tún to station soldiers; to guard; to defend
26 6 zhūn difficulty
27 6 tún a village
28 6 tún to gather; to gather
29 6 zhūn Zhun [hexogram]
30 6 tún to display abundantly
31 6 tún a hillslope
32 6 tún for stationed troops to cultivate land
33 6 tún barracks; army camp; company [military]
34 6 zhūn Zhun [place]
35 6 zhūn Zhun [name]
36 6 zhūn to be miserly
37 5 wǎng to go (in a direction) 勿用有攸往
38 5 wǎng in the past 勿用有攸往
39 5 wǎng to turn toward 勿用有攸往
40 5 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 勿用有攸往
41 5 wǎng to send a gift 勿用有攸往
42 5 wǎng former times 勿用有攸往
43 5 wǎng someone who has passed away 勿用有攸往
44 5 gain; advantage; benefit 利貞
45 5 profit 利貞
46 5 sharp 利貞
47 5 to benefit; to serve 利貞
48 5 Li 利貞
49 5 to be useful 利貞
50 5 smooth; without a hitch 利貞
51 4 liù six 六二
52 4 liù sixth 六二
53 4 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六二
54 3 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 君子以經綸
55 3 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 君子以經綸
56 3 bān class; a group; a grade 乘馬班如
57 3 bān a squad 乘馬班如
58 3 bān a job 乘馬班如
59 3 bān to separate 乘馬班如
60 3 bān to spread; to distribute; to give 乘馬班如
61 3 bān to proclaim; to propagate 乘馬班如
62 3 bān to smooth out 乘馬班如
63 3 bān to classify 乘馬班如
64 3 bān to manage 乘馬班如
65 3 bān a classification; a rank 乘馬班如
66 3 bān to return 乘馬班如
67 3 bān mottled 乘馬班如
68 3 bān a shift 乘馬班如
69 3 bān starting time; flight time 乘馬班如
70 3 bān to be equal 乘馬班如
71 3 bān Ban 乘馬班如
72 3 jiàn to build; to construct 利建侯
73 3 jiàn to establish 利建侯
74 3 jiàn to propose; to suggest 利建侯
75 3 jiàn Jian River 利建侯
76 3 jiàn Fujian 利建侯
77 3 jiàn to appoint 利建侯
78 3 jiàn to stand upright 利建侯
79 3 jiàn to determine 利建侯
80 3 jiàn area of the night sky that the Bigger Dipper points to 利建侯
81 3 jiàn Jian 利建侯
82 3 to use; to grasp 君子以經綸
83 3 to rely on 君子以經綸
84 3 to regard 君子以經綸
85 3 to be able to 君子以經綸
86 3 to order; to command 君子以經綸
87 3 used after a verb 君子以經綸
88 3 a reason; a cause 君子以經綸
89 3 Israel 君子以經綸
90 3 Yi 君子以經綸
91 3 letter; symbol; character 女子貞不字
92 3 Zi 女子貞不字
93 3 to love 女子貞不字
94 3 to teach; to educate 女子貞不字
95 3 to be allowed to marry 女子貞不字
96 3 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 女子貞不字
97 3 diction; wording 女子貞不字
98 3 handwriting 女子貞不字
99 3 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 女子貞不字
100 3 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 女子貞不字
101 3 a font; a calligraphic style 女子貞不字
102 3 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 女子貞不字
103 3 ér Kangxi radical 126 剛柔始交而難生
104 3 ér as if; to seem like 剛柔始交而難生
105 3 néng can; able 剛柔始交而難生
106 3 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 剛柔始交而難生
107 3 ér to arrive; up to 剛柔始交而難生
108 3 hóu marquis; lord 利建侯
109 3 hóu a target in archery 利建侯
110 3 乘馬 chéng mǎ to ride a horse 乘馬班如
111 3 乘馬 shèng mǎ a team of four horses 乘馬班如
112 3 zhī to go 雷雨之動滿盈
113 3 zhī to arrive; to go 雷雨之動滿盈
114 3 zhī is 雷雨之動滿盈
115 3 zhī to use 雷雨之動滿盈
116 3 zhī Zhi 雷雨之動滿盈
117 2 lián flowing water; ripples 泣血漣如
118 2 lián weeping 泣血漣如
119 2 lián ripples 泣血漣如
120 2 dòng to move 動乎險中
121 2 dòng to make happen; to change 動乎險中
122 2 dòng to start 動乎險中
123 2 dòng to act 動乎險中
124 2 dòng to touch; to prod; to stir; to stimulate 動乎險中
125 2 dòng movable 動乎險中
126 2 dòng to use 動乎險中
127 2 dòng movement 動乎險中
128 2 dòng to eat 動乎險中
129 2 dòng to revolt; to rebel 動乎險中
130 2 无虞 wúyú not to be worried about; all taken care of 即鹿无虞
131 2 shě to give 君子幾不如舍
132 2 shě to give up; to abandon 君子幾不如舍
133 2 shě a house; a home; an abode 君子幾不如舍
134 2 shè my 君子幾不如舍
135 2 shě equanimity 君子幾不如舍
136 2 shè my house 君子幾不如舍
137 2 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 君子幾不如舍
138 2 shè to leave 君子幾不如舍
139 2 shě She 君子幾不如舍
140 2 shè disciple 君子幾不如舍
141 2 shè a barn; a pen 君子幾不如舍
142 2 shè to reside 君子幾不如舍
143 2 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 君子幾不如舍
144 2 shè to find a place for; to arrange 君子幾不如舍
145 2 to be near by; to be close to 即鹿无虞
146 2 at that time 即鹿无虞
147 2 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即鹿无虞
148 2 supposed; so-called 即鹿无虞
149 2 to arrive at; to ascend 即鹿无虞
150 2 nán difficult; arduous; hard 剛柔始交而難生
151 2 nán to put someone in a difficult position; to have difficulty 剛柔始交而難生
152 2 nán hardly possible; unable 剛柔始交而難生
153 2 nàn disaster; calamity 剛柔始交而難生
154 2 nàn enemy; foe 剛柔始交而難生
155 2 nán bad; unpleasant 剛柔始交而難生
156 2 nàn to blame; to rebuke 剛柔始交而難生
157 2 nàn to object to; to argue against 剛柔始交而難生
158 2 nàn to reject; to repudiate 剛柔始交而難生
159 2 Ji 吉无不利
160 2 good luck 吉无不利
161 2 propitious; auspicious 吉无不利
162 2 life supporting 吉无不利
163 2 excellent 吉无不利
164 2 first day of the lunar month 吉无不利
165 2 huán to pace; to linger 磐桓
166 2 huán varnish tree; goldenrain tree 磐桓
167 2 huán signpost; post for announcements 磐桓
168 2 huán to coil around 磐桓
169 2 huán Huan 磐桓
170 2 shàng top; a high position 震下坎上
171 2 shang top; the position on or above something 震下坎上
172 2 shàng to go up; to go forward 震下坎上
173 2 shàng shang 震下坎上
174 2 shàng previous; last 震下坎上
175 2 shàng high; higher 震下坎上
176 2 shàng advanced 震下坎上
177 2 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 震下坎上
178 2 shàng time 震下坎上
179 2 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 震下坎上
180 2 shàng far 震下坎上
181 2 shàng big; as big as 震下坎上
182 2 shàng abundant; plentiful 震下坎上
183 2 shàng to report 震下坎上
184 2 shàng to offer 震下坎上
185 2 shàng to go on stage 震下坎上
186 2 shàng to take office; to assume a post 震下坎上
187 2 shàng to install; to erect 震下坎上
188 2 shàng to suffer; to sustain 震下坎上
189 2 shàng to burn 震下坎上
190 2 shàng to remember 震下坎上
191 2 shàng to add 震下坎上
192 2 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 震下坎上
193 2 shàng to meet 震下坎上
194 2 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 震下坎上
195 2 shang used after a verb indicating a result 震下坎上
196 2 shàng a musical note 震下坎上
197 2 gòu to marry 匪寇婚媾
198 2 gòu to be on friendly terms with 匪寇婚媾
199 2 gòu marriage between cousins 匪寇婚媾
200 2 lìn stingy; miserly; parsimonious 往吝
201 2 zhōng middle 動乎險中
202 2 zhōng medium; medium sized 動乎險中
203 2 zhōng China 動乎險中
204 2 zhòng to hit the mark 動乎險中
205 2 zhōng midday 動乎險中
206 2 zhōng inside 動乎險中
207 2 zhōng during 動乎險中
208 2 zhōng Zhong 動乎險中
209 2 zhōng intermediary 動乎險中
210 2 zhōng half 動乎險中
211 2 zhòng to reach; to attain 動乎險中
212 2 zhòng to suffer; to infect 動乎險中
213 2 zhòng to obtain 動乎險中
214 2 zhòng to pass an exam 動乎險中
215 2 gāo grease; fat 屯其膏
216 2 gāo favor 屯其膏
217 2 gāo beautiful 屯其膏
218 2 gāo paste; ointment 屯其膏
219 2 gāo fatty flesh at the tip of the heart 屯其膏
220 2 gāo fertile 屯其膏
221 2 gào to smear 屯其膏
222 2 gào to wet 屯其膏
223 2 nǎi to be 十年乃字
224 2 Qi 屯其膏
225 2 èr two 六二
226 2 èr Kangxi radical 7 六二
227 2 èr second 六二
228 2 èr twice; double; di- 六二
229 2 èr more than one kind 六二
230 2 infix potential marker 宜建侯而不寧
231 2 泣血 qìxuè to cry blood 泣血漣如
232 2 十年 shí nián ten years; decade 十年乃字
233 2 big; huge; large 大得民也
234 2 Kangxi radical 37 大得民也
235 2 great; major; important 大得民也
236 2 size 大得民也
237 2 old 大得民也
238 2 oldest; earliest 大得民也
239 2 adult 大得民也
240 2 dài an important person 大得民也
241 2 senior 大得民也
242 2 pán firm; stable 磐桓
243 2 pán a rock 磐桓
244 2 鹿 deer 即鹿无虞
245 2 鹿 Kangxi radical 198 即鹿无虞
246 2 鹿 Lu 即鹿无虞
247 2 鹿 seat of power; ruling authority 即鹿无虞
248 2 鹿 unrefined; common 即鹿无虞
249 2 鹿 a granary 即鹿无虞
250 2 鹿 deer bamboo 即鹿无虞
251 2 鹿 foot of a mountain 即鹿无虞
252 2 nián year
253 2 nián New Year festival
254 2 nián age
255 2 nián life span; life expectancy
256 2 nián an era; a period
257 2 nián a date
258 2 nián time; years
259 2 nián harvest
260 2 nián annual; every year
261 1 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 明也
262 1 míng Ming 明也
263 1 míng Ming Dynasty 明也
264 1 míng obvious; explicit; clear 明也
265 1 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 明也
266 1 míng to illuminate; to shine 明也
267 1 míng consecrated 明也
268 1 míng to understand; to comprehend 明也
269 1 míng to explain; to clarify 明也
270 1 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 明也
271 1 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 明也
272 1 míng eyesight; vision 明也
273 1 míng a god; a spirit 明也
274 1 míng fame; renown 明也
275 1 míng open; public 明也
276 1 míng clear 明也
277 1 míng to become proficient 明也
278 1 míng to be proficient 明也
279 1 míng virtuous 明也
280 1 míng open and honest 明也
281 1 míng clean; neat 明也
282 1 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 明也
283 1 míng next; afterwards 明也
284 1 míng positive 明也
285 1 不如 bùrú not equal to; not as good as 君子幾不如舍
286 1 xià bottom 震下坎上
287 1 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 震下坎上
288 1 xià to announce 震下坎上
289 1 xià to do 震下坎上
290 1 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 震下坎上
291 1 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 震下坎上
292 1 xià inside 震下坎上
293 1 xià an aspect 震下坎上
294 1 xià a certain time 震下坎上
295 1 xià to capture; to take 震下坎上
296 1 xià to put in 震下坎上
297 1 xià to enter 震下坎上
298 1 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 震下坎上
299 1 xià to finish work or school 震下坎上
300 1 xià to go 震下坎上
301 1 xià to scorn; to look down on 震下坎上
302 1 xià to modestly decline 震下坎上
303 1 xià to produce 震下坎上
304 1 xià to stay at; to lodge at 震下坎上
305 1 xià to decide 震下坎上
306 1 xià to be less than 震下坎上
307 1 xià humble; lowly 震下坎上
308 1 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜建侯而不寧
309 1 to be amiable 宜建侯而不寧
310 1 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜建侯而不寧
311 1 to share 宜建侯而不寧
312 1 should 宜建侯而不寧
313 1 Yi 宜建侯而不寧
314 1 cooking of meat and fish 宜建侯而不寧
315 1 nearly; almost 宜建侯而不寧
316 1 chéng to mount; to climb onto 乘剛也
317 1 chéng to multiply 乘剛也
318 1 shèng a vehicle; a chariot; a carriage 乘剛也
319 1 chéng to ride 乘剛也
320 1 chéng to make use of; to take advantage of; to comply with 乘剛也
321 1 chéng to prevail 乘剛也
322 1 chéng to pursue 乘剛也
323 1 chéng to calculate 乘剛也
324 1 chéng a four horse team 乘剛也
325 1 chéng to drive; to control 乘剛也
326 1 chéng Cheng 乘剛也
327 1 shèng historical records 乘剛也
328 1 kòu bandit; thief; pillager 匪寇婚媾
329 1 kòu enemy; invader 匪寇婚媾
330 1 kòu to invade; to plunder; to raid 匪寇婚媾
331 1 kòu Kou 匪寇婚媾
332 1 sān three 六三
333 1 sān third 六三
334 1 sān more than two 六三
335 1 sān very few 六三
336 1 sān San 六三
337 1 wéi thought 惟入于林中
338 1 wéi to think; to consider 惟入于林中
339 1 wéi is 惟入于林中
340 1 wéi has 惟入于林中
341 1 wéi to understand 惟入于林中
342 1 xiǎo small; tiny 小貞吉
343 1 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 小貞吉
344 1 xiǎo brief 小貞吉
345 1 xiǎo small in amount 小貞吉
346 1 xiǎo insignificant 小貞吉
347 1 xiǎo small in ability 小貞吉
348 1 xiǎo to shrink 小貞吉
349 1 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 小貞吉
350 1 xiǎo evil-doer 小貞吉
351 1 xiǎo a child 小貞吉
352 1 xiǎo concubine 小貞吉
353 1 xiǎo young 小貞吉
354 1 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 志行正也
355 1 zhì to write down; to record 志行正也
356 1 zhì Zhi 志行正也
357 1 zhì a written record; a treatise 志行正也
358 1 zhì to remember 志行正也
359 1 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 志行正也
360 1 zhì a birthmark; a mole 志行正也
361 1 zhì determination; will 志行正也
362 1 zhì a magazine 志行正也
363 1 zhì to measure; to weigh 志行正也
364 1 zhì aspiration 志行正也
365 1 剛柔 gāng róu strong and weak 剛柔始交而難生
366 1 剛柔 gāng róu yin and yang 剛柔始交而難生
367 1 剛柔 gāng róu day and night 剛柔始交而難生
368 1 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 天造草昧
369 1 zào to arrive; to go 天造草昧
370 1 zào to pay a visit; to call on 天造草昧
371 1 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 天造草昧
372 1 zào to attain; to achieve 天造草昧
373 1 zào an achievement 天造草昧
374 1 zào a crop 天造草昧
375 1 zào a time; an age 天造草昧
376 1 zào fortune; destiny 天造草昧
377 1 zào to educate; to train 天造草昧
378 1 zào to invent 天造草昧
379 1 zào a party in a lawsuit 天造草昧
380 1 zào to run wild; to overspend 天造草昧
381 1 zào indifferently; negligently 天造草昧
382 1 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 天造草昧
383 1 zào imaginary 天造草昧
384 1 zào to found; to initiate 天造草昧
385 1 zào to contain 天造草昧
386 1 反常 fǎncháng unusual; abnormal 反常也
387 1 wèi Eighth earthly branch 施未光也
388 1 wèi 1-3 p.m. 施未光也
389 1 wèi to taste 施未光也
390 1 zhǎng to grow; to develop 何可長也
391 1 cháng long 何可長也
392 1 zhǎng Kangxi radical 168 何可長也
393 1 zhàng extra; surplus; remainder 何可長也
394 1 cháng length; distance 何可長也
395 1 cháng distant 何可長也
396 1 cháng tall 何可長也
397 1 cháng to be excellent; to be correct; to be good at 何可長也
398 1 zhàng to be powerful and prosperous 何可長也
399 1 cháng deep 何可長也
400 1 cháng good aspects; strong points 何可長也
401 1 cháng Chang 何可長也
402 1 cháng speciality 何可長也
403 1 zhǎng old 何可長也
404 1 zhǎng to be born 何可長也
405 1 zhǎng older; eldest; senior 何可長也
406 1 zhǎng to respect; to hold in esteem 何可長也
407 1 zhǎng to be a leader 何可長也
408 1 zhǎng Zhang 何可長也
409 1 zhǎng to increase; to boost 何可長也
410 1 zhǎng older; senior 何可長也
411 1 下賤 xiàjiàn low (class) 以貴下賤
412 1 下賤 xiàjiàn mean; despicable (character) 以貴下賤
413 1 下賤 xiàjiàn condescend 以貴下賤
414 1 下賤 xiàjiàn a grievance 以貴下賤
415 1 fěi a bandit 匪寇婚媾
416 1 fěi not 匪寇婚媾
417 1 初九 chū jiǔ ninth day of the lunar month 初九
418 1 guāng light 施未光也
419 1 guāng brilliant; bright; shining 施未光也
420 1 guāng to shine 施未光也
421 1 guāng to bare; to go naked 施未光也
422 1 guāng bare; naked 施未光也
423 1 guāng glory; honor 施未光也
424 1 guāng scenery 施未光也
425 1 guāng smooth 施未光也
426 1 guāng sheen; luster; gloss 施未光也
427 1 guāng time; a moment 施未光也
428 1 guāng grace; favor 施未光也
429 1 guāng Guang 施未光也
430 1 guāng to manifest 施未光也
431 1 hēng smoothly progressing; no trouble 元亨
432 1 pēng to cook; to boil 元亨
433 1 雲雷 yúnléi thunder 雲雷
434 1 六四 liùsì 4th June 1989 六四
435 1 tiān day 天造草昧
436 1 tiān heaven 天造草昧
437 1 tiān nature 天造草昧
438 1 tiān sky 天造草昧
439 1 tiān weather 天造草昧
440 1 tiān father; husband 天造草昧
441 1 tiān a necessity 天造草昧
442 1 tiān season 天造草昧
443 1 tiān destiny 天造草昧
444 1 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 天造草昧
445 1 shǐ beginning; start 剛柔始交而難生
446 1 yuè month
447 1 yuè moon
448 1 yuè Kangxi radical 74
449 1 yuè moonlight
450 1 yuè monthly
451 1 yuè shaped like the moon; crescent shaped
452 1 yuè Tokharians
453 1 yuè China rose
454 1 yuè Yue
455 1 jiāo to deliver; to turn over; to pay 剛柔始交而難生
456 1 jiāo to make friends 剛柔始交而難生
457 1 jiāo to intersect; to join with; to interlock; to exchange 剛柔始交而難生
458 1 jiāo to communicate with 剛柔始交而難生
459 1 jiāo to cross legs 剛柔始交而難生
460 1 jiāo to mix 剛柔始交而難生
461 1 jiāo to have sex 剛柔始交而難生
462 1 jiāo to cause 剛柔始交而難生
463 1 jiāo a meeting time; a meeting place 剛柔始交而難生
464 1 jiāo a friend; friendship 剛柔始交而難生
465 1 jiāo a somersault 剛柔始交而難生
466 1 jiāo Jiao 剛柔始交而難生
467 1 to go; to 惟入于林中
468 1 to rely on; to depend on 惟入于林中
469 1 Yu 惟入于林中
470 1 a crow 惟入于林中
471 1 zhèn to shake; to shock 震下坎上
472 1 zhèn zhen trigram 震下坎上
473 1 zhèn to get angry 震下坎上
474 1 zhèn an earthquake; a tremor 震下坎上
475 1 zhèn to be excited; to fear; to be scared 震下坎上
476 1 zhèn thunder; for lightning to strike 震下坎上
477 1 zhèn to create turmoil; to upheave 震下坎上
478 1 yōu distant; far 勿用有攸往
479 1 求婚 qiúhūn to propose marriage 求婚媾
480 1 kǎn a pit; a hole 震下坎上
481 1 kǎn kan-kan 震下坎上
482 1 kǎn kan; the trigram for water 震下坎上
483 1 kǎn a candela 震下坎上
484 1 kǎn a bank; a ridge 震下坎上
485 1 kǎn enigmatic language 震下坎上
486 1 kǎn a snare; a crisis; danger 震下坎上
487 1 kǎn Kan 震下坎上
488 1 kǎn kan-kan; sound of drumming 震下坎上
489 1 yòng to use; to apply 勿用有攸往
490 1 yòng Kangxi radical 101 勿用有攸往
491 1 yòng to eat 勿用有攸往
492 1 yòng to spend 勿用有攸往
493 1 yòng expense 勿用有攸往
494 1 yòng a use; usage 勿用有攸往
495 1 yòng to need; must 勿用有攸往
496 1 yòng useful; practical 勿用有攸往
497 1 yòng to use up; to use all of something 勿用有攸往
498 1 yòng to work (an animal) 勿用有攸往
499 1 yòng to appoint 勿用有攸往
500 1 yòng to administer; to manager 勿用有攸往

Frequencies of all Words

Top 846

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 9 also; too 志行正也
2 9 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 志行正也
3 9 either 志行正也
4 9 even 志行正也
5 9 used to soften the tone 志行正也
6 9 used for emphasis 志行正也
7 9 used to mark contrast 志行正也
8 9 used to mark compromise 志行正也
9 8 yuē to speak; to say 彖曰
10 8 yuē Kangxi radical 73 彖曰
11 8 yuē to be called 彖曰
12 8 yuē particle without meaning 彖曰
13 7 xiàng figure; image; appearance 象曰
14 7 xiàng elephant 象曰
15 7 xiàng ivory 象曰
16 7 xiàng to be like; to seem 象曰
17 7 xiàng premier 象曰
18 7 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 象曰
19 7 xiàng phenomena 象曰
20 7 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 象曰
21 7 xiàng image commentary 象曰
22 7 xiàng a kind of weapon 象曰
23 7 xiàng Xiang 象曰
24 7 xiàng to imitate 象曰
25 7 such as; for example; for instance 屯如邅如
26 7 if 屯如邅如
27 7 in accordance with 屯如邅如
28 7 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 屯如邅如
29 7 this 屯如邅如
30 7 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 屯如邅如
31 7 to go to 屯如邅如
32 7 to meet 屯如邅如
33 7 to appear; to seem; to be like 屯如邅如
34 7 at least as good as 屯如邅如
35 7 and 屯如邅如
36 7 or 屯如邅如
37 7 but 屯如邅如
38 7 then 屯如邅如
39 7 naturally 屯如邅如
40 7 expresses a question or doubt 屯如邅如
41 7 you 屯如邅如
42 7 the second lunar month 屯如邅如
43 7 in; at 屯如邅如
44 7 Ru 屯如邅如
45 6 zhēn virtuous; chaste; pure 利貞
46 6 zhēn loyal 利貞
47 6 zhēn divination 利貞
48 6 zhēn chastity 利貞
49 6 zhēn to divine 利貞
50 6 zhēn auspicious 利貞
51 6 zhēn upright 利貞
52 6 zhēn lower part of the trigrams in the Yijing 利貞
53 6 zhēn four 利貞
54 6 tún to station soldiers; to guard; to defend
55 6 zhūn difficulty
56 6 tún a village
57 6 tún to gather; to gather
58 6 zhūn Zhun [hexogram]
59 6 tún to display abundantly
60 6 tún a hillslope
61 6 tún for stationed troops to cultivate land
62 6 tún barracks; army camp; company [military]
63 6 zhūn Zhun [place]
64 6 zhūn Zhun [name]
65 6 zhūn to be miserly
66 5 wǎng to go (in a direction) 勿用有攸往
67 5 wǎng in the direction of 勿用有攸往
68 5 wǎng in the past 勿用有攸往
69 5 wǎng to turn toward 勿用有攸往
70 5 wǎng to be friends with; to have a social connection with 勿用有攸往
71 5 wǎng to send a gift 勿用有攸往
72 5 wǎng former times 勿用有攸往
73 5 wǎng someone who has passed away 勿用有攸往
74 5 gain; advantage; benefit 利貞
75 5 profit 利貞
76 5 sharp 利貞
77 5 to benefit; to serve 利貞
78 5 Li 利貞
79 5 to be useful 利貞
80 5 smooth; without a hitch 利貞
81 4 liù six 六二
82 4 liù sixth 六二
83 4 liù a note on the Gongche scale 六二
84 3 君子 jūnzi a ruler; a sovereign 君子以經綸
85 3 君子 jūnzi junzi; a nobleman; a person of noble character; a person of virtue 君子以經綸
86 3 bān class; a group; a grade 乘馬班如
87 3 bān a squad 乘馬班如
88 3 bān a job 乘馬班如
89 3 bān to separate 乘馬班如
90 3 bān to spread; to distribute; to give 乘馬班如
91 3 bān to proclaim; to propagate 乘馬班如
92 3 bān to smooth out 乘馬班如
93 3 bān to classify 乘馬班如
94 3 bān to manage 乘馬班如
95 3 bān a classification; a rank 乘馬班如
96 3 bān to return 乘馬班如
97 3 bān mottled 乘馬班如
98 3 bān a shift 乘馬班如
99 3 bān a group 乘馬班如
100 3 bān starting time; flight time 乘馬班如
101 3 bān to be equal 乘馬班如
102 3 bān Ban 乘馬班如
103 3 jiàn to build; to construct 利建侯
104 3 jiàn to establish 利建侯
105 3 jiàn to propose; to suggest 利建侯
106 3 jiàn Jian River 利建侯
107 3 jiàn Fujian 利建侯
108 3 jiàn to appoint 利建侯
109 3 jiàn to stand upright 利建侯
110 3 jiàn to determine 利建侯
111 3 jiàn area of the night sky that the Bigger Dipper points to 利建侯
112 3 jiàn Jian 利建侯
113 3 so as to; in order to 君子以經綸
114 3 to use; to regard as 君子以經綸
115 3 to use; to grasp 君子以經綸
116 3 according to 君子以經綸
117 3 because of 君子以經綸
118 3 on a certain date 君子以經綸
119 3 and; as well as 君子以經綸
120 3 to rely on 君子以經綸
121 3 to regard 君子以經綸
122 3 to be able to 君子以經綸
123 3 to order; to command 君子以經綸
124 3 further; moreover 君子以經綸
125 3 used after a verb 君子以經綸
126 3 very 君子以經綸
127 3 already 君子以經綸
128 3 increasingly 君子以經綸
129 3 a reason; a cause 君子以經綸
130 3 Israel 君子以經綸
131 3 Yi 君子以經綸
132 3 letter; symbol; character 女子貞不字
133 3 Zi 女子貞不字
134 3 to love 女子貞不字
135 3 to teach; to educate 女子貞不字
136 3 to be allowed to marry 女子貞不字
137 3 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 女子貞不字
138 3 diction; wording 女子貞不字
139 3 handwriting 女子貞不字
140 3 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 女子貞不字
141 3 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 女子貞不字
142 3 a font; a calligraphic style 女子貞不字
143 3 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 女子貞不字
144 3 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 剛柔始交而難生
145 3 ér Kangxi radical 126 剛柔始交而難生
146 3 ér you 剛柔始交而難生
147 3 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 剛柔始交而難生
148 3 ér right away; then 剛柔始交而難生
149 3 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 剛柔始交而難生
150 3 ér if; in case; in the event that 剛柔始交而難生
151 3 ér therefore; as a result; thus 剛柔始交而難生
152 3 ér how can it be that? 剛柔始交而難生
153 3 ér so as to 剛柔始交而難生
154 3 ér only then 剛柔始交而難生
155 3 ér as if; to seem like 剛柔始交而難生
156 3 néng can; able 剛柔始交而難生
157 3 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 剛柔始交而難生
158 3 ér me 剛柔始交而難生
159 3 ér to arrive; up to 剛柔始交而難生
160 3 ér possessive 剛柔始交而難生
161 3 hóu marquis; lord 利建侯
162 3 hóu a target in archery 利建侯
163 3 乘馬 chéng mǎ to ride a horse 乘馬班如
164 3 乘馬 shèng mǎ a team of four horses 乘馬班如
165 3 zhī him; her; them; that 雷雨之動滿盈
166 3 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 雷雨之動滿盈
167 3 zhī to go 雷雨之動滿盈
168 3 zhī this; that 雷雨之動滿盈
169 3 zhī genetive marker 雷雨之動滿盈
170 3 zhī it 雷雨之動滿盈
171 3 zhī in 雷雨之動滿盈
172 3 zhī all 雷雨之動滿盈
173 3 zhī and 雷雨之動滿盈
174 3 zhī however 雷雨之動滿盈
175 3 zhī if 雷雨之動滿盈
176 3 zhī then 雷雨之動滿盈
177 3 zhī to arrive; to go 雷雨之動滿盈
178 3 zhī is 雷雨之動滿盈
179 3 zhī to use 雷雨之動滿盈
180 3 zhī Zhi 雷雨之動滿盈
181 2 lián flowing water; ripples 泣血漣如
182 2 lián weeping 泣血漣如
183 2 lián ripples 泣血漣如
184 2 dòng to move 動乎險中
185 2 dòng to make happen; to change 動乎險中
186 2 dòng to start 動乎險中
187 2 dòng to act 動乎險中
188 2 dòng to touch; to prod; to stir; to stimulate 動乎險中
189 2 dòng movable 動乎險中
190 2 dòng to use 動乎險中
191 2 dòng signalling a result 動乎險中
192 2 dòng movement 動乎險中
193 2 dòng often 動乎險中
194 2 dòng to eat 動乎險中
195 2 dòng to revolt; to rebel 動乎險中
196 2 无虞 wúyú not to be worried about; all taken care of 即鹿无虞
197 2 shě to give 君子幾不如舍
198 2 shě to give up; to abandon 君子幾不如舍
199 2 shě a house; a home; an abode 君子幾不如舍
200 2 shè my 君子幾不如舍
201 2 shè a unit of length equal to 30 li 君子幾不如舍
202 2 shě equanimity 君子幾不如舍
203 2 shè my house 君子幾不如舍
204 2 shě to to shoot; to fire; to launch 君子幾不如舍
205 2 shè to leave 君子幾不如舍
206 2 shě She 君子幾不如舍
207 2 shè disciple 君子幾不如舍
208 2 shè a barn; a pen 君子幾不如舍
209 2 shè to reside 君子幾不如舍
210 2 shè to stop; to halt; to cease 君子幾不如舍
211 2 shè to find a place for; to arrange 君子幾不如舍
212 2 promptly; right away; immediately 即鹿无虞
213 2 to be near by; to be close to 即鹿无虞
214 2 at that time 即鹿无虞
215 2 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即鹿无虞
216 2 supposed; so-called 即鹿无虞
217 2 if; but 即鹿无虞
218 2 to arrive at; to ascend 即鹿无虞
219 2 then; following 即鹿无虞
220 2 nán difficult; arduous; hard 剛柔始交而難生
221 2 nán to put someone in a difficult position; to have difficulty 剛柔始交而難生
222 2 nán hardly possible; unable 剛柔始交而難生
223 2 nàn disaster; calamity 剛柔始交而難生
224 2 nàn enemy; foe 剛柔始交而難生
225 2 nán bad; unpleasant 剛柔始交而難生
226 2 nàn to blame; to rebuke 剛柔始交而難生
227 2 nàn to object to; to argue against 剛柔始交而難生
228 2 nàn to reject; to repudiate 剛柔始交而難生
229 2 Ji 吉无不利
230 2 good luck 吉无不利
231 2 propitious; auspicious 吉无不利
232 2 giga- 吉无不利
233 2 life supporting 吉无不利
234 2 excellent 吉无不利
235 2 first day of the lunar month 吉无不利
236 2 huán to pace; to linger 磐桓
237 2 huán varnish tree; goldenrain tree 磐桓
238 2 huán signpost; post for announcements 磐桓
239 2 huán to coil around 磐桓
240 2 huán Huan 磐桓
241 2 shàng top; a high position 震下坎上
242 2 shang top; the position on or above something 震下坎上
243 2 shàng to go up; to go forward 震下坎上
244 2 shàng shang 震下坎上
245 2 shàng previous; last 震下坎上
246 2 shàng high; higher 震下坎上
247 2 shàng advanced 震下坎上
248 2 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 震下坎上
249 2 shàng time 震下坎上
250 2 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 震下坎上
251 2 shàng far 震下坎上
252 2 shàng big; as big as 震下坎上
253 2 shàng abundant; plentiful 震下坎上
254 2 shàng to report 震下坎上
255 2 shàng to offer 震下坎上
256 2 shàng to go on stage 震下坎上
257 2 shàng to take office; to assume a post 震下坎上
258 2 shàng to install; to erect 震下坎上
259 2 shàng to suffer; to sustain 震下坎上
260 2 shàng to burn 震下坎上
261 2 shàng to remember 震下坎上
262 2 shang on; in 震下坎上
263 2 shàng upward 震下坎上
264 2 shàng to add 震下坎上
265 2 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 震下坎上
266 2 shàng to meet 震下坎上
267 2 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 震下坎上
268 2 shang used after a verb indicating a result 震下坎上
269 2 shàng a musical note 震下坎上
270 2 gòu to marry 匪寇婚媾
271 2 gòu to be on friendly terms with 匪寇婚媾
272 2 gòu marriage between cousins 匪寇婚媾
273 2 lìn stingy; miserly; parsimonious 往吝
274 2 zhōng middle 動乎險中
275 2 zhōng medium; medium sized 動乎險中
276 2 zhōng China 動乎險中
277 2 zhòng to hit the mark 動乎險中
278 2 zhōng in; amongst 動乎險中
279 2 zhōng midday 動乎險中
280 2 zhōng inside 動乎險中
281 2 zhōng during 動乎險中
282 2 zhōng Zhong 動乎險中
283 2 zhōng intermediary 動乎險中
284 2 zhōng half 動乎險中
285 2 zhōng just right; suitably 動乎險中
286 2 zhōng while 動乎險中
287 2 zhòng to reach; to attain 動乎險中
288 2 zhòng to suffer; to infect 動乎險中
289 2 zhòng to obtain 動乎險中
290 2 zhòng to pass an exam 動乎險中
291 2 gāo grease; fat 屯其膏
292 2 gāo favor 屯其膏
293 2 gāo beautiful 屯其膏
294 2 gāo paste; ointment 屯其膏
295 2 gāo fatty flesh at the tip of the heart 屯其膏
296 2 gāo fertile 屯其膏
297 2 gào to smear 屯其膏
298 2 gào to wet 屯其膏
299 2 nǎi thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 十年乃字
300 2 nǎi to be 十年乃字
301 2 nǎi you; yours 十年乃字
302 2 nǎi also; moreover 十年乃字
303 2 nǎi however; but 十年乃字
304 2 nǎi if 十年乃字
305 2 his; hers; its; theirs 屯其膏
306 2 to add emphasis 屯其膏
307 2 used when asking a question in reply to a question 屯其膏
308 2 used when making a request or giving an order 屯其膏
309 2 he; her; it; them 屯其膏
310 2 probably; likely 屯其膏
311 2 will 屯其膏
312 2 may 屯其膏
313 2 if 屯其膏
314 2 or 屯其膏
315 2 Qi 屯其膏
316 2 èr two 六二
317 2 èr Kangxi radical 7 六二
318 2 èr second 六二
319 2 èr twice; double; di- 六二
320 2 èr another; the other 六二
321 2 èr more than one kind 六二
322 2 not; no 宜建侯而不寧
323 2 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 宜建侯而不寧
324 2 as a correlative 宜建侯而不寧
325 2 no (answering a question) 宜建侯而不寧
326 2 forms a negative adjective from a noun 宜建侯而不寧
327 2 at the end of a sentence to form a question 宜建侯而不寧
328 2 to form a yes or no question 宜建侯而不寧
329 2 infix potential marker 宜建侯而不寧
330 2 泣血 qìxuè to cry blood 泣血漣如
331 2 十年 shí nián ten years; decade 十年乃字
332 2 big; huge; large 大得民也
333 2 Kangxi radical 37 大得民也
334 2 great; major; important 大得民也
335 2 size 大得民也
336 2 old 大得民也
337 2 greatly; very 大得民也
338 2 oldest; earliest 大得民也
339 2 adult 大得民也
340 2 tài greatest; grand 大得民也
341 2 dài an important person 大得民也
342 2 senior 大得民也
343 2 approximately 大得民也
344 2 tài greatest; grand 大得民也
345 2 pán firm; stable 磐桓
346 2 pán a rock 磐桓
347 2 鹿 deer 即鹿无虞
348 2 鹿 Kangxi radical 198 即鹿无虞
349 2 鹿 Lu 即鹿无虞
350 2 鹿 seat of power; ruling authority 即鹿无虞
351 2 鹿 unrefined; common 即鹿无虞
352 2 鹿 a granary 即鹿无虞
353 2 鹿 deer bamboo 即鹿无虞
354 2 鹿 foot of a mountain 即鹿无虞
355 2 nián year
356 2 nián New Year festival
357 2 nián age
358 2 nián life span; life expectancy
359 2 nián an era; a period
360 2 nián a date
361 2 nián time; years
362 2 nián harvest
363 2 nián annual; every year
364 1 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 明也
365 1 míng Ming 明也
366 1 míng Ming Dynasty 明也
367 1 míng obvious; explicit; clear 明也
368 1 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 明也
369 1 míng to illuminate; to shine 明也
370 1 míng consecrated 明也
371 1 míng to understand; to comprehend 明也
372 1 míng to explain; to clarify 明也
373 1 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 明也
374 1 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 明也
375 1 míng eyesight; vision 明也
376 1 míng a god; a spirit 明也
377 1 míng fame; renown 明也
378 1 míng open; public 明也
379 1 míng clear 明也
380 1 míng to become proficient 明也
381 1 míng to be proficient 明也
382 1 míng virtuous 明也
383 1 míng open and honest 明也
384 1 míng clean; neat 明也
385 1 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 明也
386 1 míng next; afterwards 明也
387 1 míng positive 明也
388 1 不如 bùrú not equal to; not as good as 君子幾不如舍
389 1 不如 bùrú inferior to; it would be better to 君子幾不如舍
390 1 xià next 震下坎上
391 1 xià bottom 震下坎上
392 1 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 震下坎上
393 1 xià measure word for time 震下坎上
394 1 xià expresses completion of an action 震下坎上
395 1 xià to announce 震下坎上
396 1 xià to do 震下坎上
397 1 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 震下坎上
398 1 xià under; below 震下坎上
399 1 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 震下坎上
400 1 xià inside 震下坎上
401 1 xià an aspect 震下坎上
402 1 xià a certain time 震下坎上
403 1 xià a time; an instance 震下坎上
404 1 xià to capture; to take 震下坎上
405 1 xià to put in 震下坎上
406 1 xià to enter 震下坎上
407 1 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 震下坎上
408 1 xià to finish work or school 震下坎上
409 1 xià to go 震下坎上
410 1 xià to scorn; to look down on 震下坎上
411 1 xià to modestly decline 震下坎上
412 1 xià to produce 震下坎上
413 1 xià to stay at; to lodge at 震下坎上
414 1 xià to decide 震下坎上
415 1 xià to be less than 震下坎上
416 1 xià humble; lowly 震下坎上
417 1 proper; suitable; appropriate 宜建侯而不寧
418 1 to be amiable 宜建侯而不寧
419 1 a suitable thing; arrangements 宜建侯而不寧
420 1 to share 宜建侯而不寧
421 1 should 宜建侯而不寧
422 1 no doubt; of course 宜建侯而不寧
423 1 Yi 宜建侯而不寧
424 1 cooking of meat and fish 宜建侯而不寧
425 1 nearly; almost 宜建侯而不寧
426 1 chéng to mount; to climb onto 乘剛也
427 1 chéng to multiply 乘剛也
428 1 shèng measure word for chariots 乘剛也
429 1 shèng a vehicle; a chariot; a carriage 乘剛也
430 1 chéng to ride 乘剛也
431 1 chéng to make use of; to take advantage of; to comply with 乘剛也
432 1 chéng to prevail 乘剛也
433 1 chéng to pursue 乘剛也
434 1 chéng to calculate 乘剛也
435 1 chéng a four horse team 乘剛也
436 1 chéng to drive; to control 乘剛也
437 1 chéng Cheng 乘剛也
438 1 shèng historical records 乘剛也
439 1 kòu bandit; thief; pillager 匪寇婚媾
440 1 kòu enemy; invader 匪寇婚媾
441 1 kòu to invade; to plunder; to raid 匪寇婚媾
442 1 kòu Kou 匪寇婚媾
443 1 sān three 六三
444 1 sān third 六三
445 1 sān more than two 六三
446 1 sān very few 六三
447 1 sān repeatedly 六三
448 1 sān San 六三
449 1 wéi only; solely; alone 惟入于林中
450 1 wéi but 惟入于林中
451 1 wéi used before a year, month, or day 惟入于林中
452 1 wéi thought 惟入于林中
453 1 wéi to think; to consider 惟入于林中
454 1 wéi is 惟入于林中
455 1 wéi has 惟入于林中
456 1 wéi hopefully 惟入于林中
457 1 wéi and 惟入于林中
458 1 wéi otherwise 惟入于林中
459 1 wéi so as to; because 惟入于林中
460 1 wéi to understand 惟入于林中
461 1 xiǎo small; tiny 小貞吉
462 1 xiǎo Kangxi radical 42 小貞吉
463 1 xiǎo brief 小貞吉
464 1 xiǎo small in amount 小貞吉
465 1 xiǎo less than; nearly 小貞吉
466 1 xiǎo insignificant 小貞吉
467 1 xiǎo small in ability 小貞吉
468 1 xiǎo to shrink 小貞吉
469 1 xiǎo to slight; to belittle 小貞吉
470 1 xiǎo evil-doer 小貞吉
471 1 xiǎo a child 小貞吉
472 1 xiǎo concubine 小貞吉
473 1 xiǎo young 小貞吉
474 1 xiǎo indicates lack of seniority or brief tenure 小貞吉
475 1 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 志行正也
476 1 zhì to write down; to record 志行正也
477 1 zhì Zhi 志行正也
478 1 zhì a written record; a treatise 志行正也
479 1 zhì to remember 志行正也
480 1 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 志行正也
481 1 zhì a birthmark; a mole 志行正也
482 1 zhì determination; will 志行正也
483 1 zhì a magazine 志行正也
484 1 zhì to measure; to weigh 志行正也
485 1 zhì aspiration 志行正也
486 1 剛柔 gāng róu strong and weak 剛柔始交而難生
487 1 剛柔 gāng róu yin and yang 剛柔始交而難生
488 1 剛柔 gāng róu day and night 剛柔始交而難生
489 1 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 天造草昧
490 1 zào to arrive; to go 天造草昧
491 1 zào to pay a visit; to call on 天造草昧
492 1 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 天造草昧
493 1 zào to attain; to achieve 天造草昧
494 1 zào an achievement 天造草昧
495 1 zào a crop 天造草昧
496 1 zào a time; an age 天造草昧
497 1 zào fortune; destiny 天造草昧
498 1 zào suddenly 天造草昧
499 1 zào to educate; to train 天造草昧
500 1 zào to invent 天造草昧


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 0.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English